Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Joel & Clementine

This won't be my last "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" painting - but I'm calling this one done :)

It's, of course, mostly gouache - BUT - has a tiny bit of red watercolor mixed with red gouache!!! Did you EVER think you'd see the day??

I swear I'm here for watercolor, BUT ALSO, if you're into movies so good you'll never stop thinking about them - check this one out :)


  1. This is lovely. Great composition. Excellent texture. Just the right balance of detail and suggestion. In the end, I think it's more about the result than the medium and this works.

  2. And I’m thinking who the hell are Joel and Clementine…are they in our class??? But at the word gouache, I knew who this was….this is one lovely painting. I like all the detail work on the clothing and the ice is spectacular. I saw this movie when it came out but, alas, it has slowly erased itself from my mind….
