Sunday, February 5, 2023

Elaine O. — February 4, 2023

I took another look at last week's alley painting (and everyone's advice) and adjusted the light fence on the lower left. I liked the contrast between the two fences, broken by the flower, but that pristine white fence did leave a gaping hole in the composition. Thanks for the suggestions—I like this better.

10" x 13"
And I began another alley painting. Early one morning last week, the sun caught the tops of the trees and some chimneys, turning them bright orange against the darker buildings and shadowed roofs. This is a study to see if I can capture that light.

10" x 13"

It seems our alleys are an endless source of inspiration to us. I have done a small series, as have Sara, Ken and Alan. Maybe we should have an exhibit—Alleys of Chicago. Hmm....just a thought.


  1. Good thought! I think that you are well on your way to capturing the light.

  2. The white fence still needs a little something imho…a little more texture, a vine or some graffiti disparaging your alderman….love that row of garages in the second painting.

  3. Yeah me too, I think it needs harder and straighter lines to stand up for itself against the nearer fence. I like the way the second one is going. Has that early morning feel like when you are busy getting put together for the day and just happen to glance out the window and you set everything down for fifteen seconds.
