Saturday, August 29, 2020

Sara Labors On...

So, I did these two studies to practice and get a feel for painting the skin tones. The second one on the right is definitely an improvement. I like the way the hair and the baby’s face are painted.

I also worked on the sketch for a long time. 

I started the painting. It’s on hot press, so I’m trying to remember how to control the paint. And then I’ve read so much about warm and cool colors and cool highlights and warm shadows that I’ve thoroughly confused myself about how to use color. But I guess I’ll just see where my haphazard methods take me.... .

Elaine O. — August 29, 2020

I'm calling this done.... unless I keep seeing just one more thing every time I walk by. Seriously, I can't see anything substantive that's missing and adding more at that point is just a recipe for disaster.

And here are the next few efforts in the Sargent project. While none of them are wonderful, I think this is worthwhile. I am learning more in the "looking" stage than in the actual "painting" stage, that's for sure!

elaine t., Aug. 29

 This does have a 50s Little Golden Book feel to it, doesn't it? My hand lettering skills are not what they were 30 years ago, however. 

second bream

This is the upper right of the bream.  My object here is to make the tiles look like stones or maybe gems,  I plan on working them to death.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Tuesday Amber Roses - Susan

When Pandemic Lockdown started, I decided to surround myself with garden stuff of 2 kinds: ( 1) lovely flowers from Jewel that thrives for sometime like 2 weeks  plus (2)  generic green indoor plants from Gethsemane that survive forever with minimal care. These orange roses from the supermarket are samples of the first kind: short time beauties! They share their brief lives & bring a narrow window of comfort on these days of fears and anxiety and reset. First time I concentrated on the inner folds of the roses, it was not easy! I hope it brings you peace!