Saturday, August 22, 2020

Tuesday Amber Roses - Susan

When Pandemic Lockdown started, I decided to surround myself with garden stuff of 2 kinds: ( 1) lovely flowers from Jewel that thrives for sometime like 2 weeks  plus (2)  generic green indoor plants from Gethsemane that survive forever with minimal care. These orange roses from the supermarket are samples of the first kind: short time beauties! They share their brief lives & bring a narrow window of comfort on these days of fears and anxiety and reset. First time I concentrated on the inner folds of the roses, it was not easy! I hope it brings you peace! 



  1. Lovely! The colors are wonderful. I love the blue halo effect around the roses that segues into green, too.

  2. Great work on the roses and the leaves, and I like the composition too — like I’m stopping to inhale their nonexistent scent! (why is it grocery store roses never have a scent??)

  3. You can see how carefully the rose petals and leaves have been transcribed. The coloring is delicious as is the halo of blue as Elaine described. Good to see your work again, Susan.
