Saturday, August 22, 2020

elaine t., August 22

 This will be a poster-type painting of what I think are the three best animal names in the world: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, 13-lined Ground Squirrel and Blue-Tailed Skink! I chose my colors from my homemade swatch book with no regard to transparency or mix-abiity, so we'll see how it goes.


  1. I've got to agree, those are the best named animals that I've ever heard of, especially that last one. I had to look closely to see what it actually was. Looks like it could be the beginning of a child's story book.

  2. This is going to be good! It's a great idea and I love your composite and poster paintings, like Killing Eve. Probably your design background, but you have such a great eye for composing them.

    About your subjects, I love them, but I have to put in a word for the Blue-footed Booby. It's fun to say, and oh, those feet!

  3. This is fun - it does remind me of kid nature books I had from the 1950s. Love the way the sapsucker is painted. Realistic but graphic design like too....

  4. So far so good. What do you have against gilt-headed breams? Interestomg tp see how you are doing the lettering.
