Saturday, August 29, 2020

second bream

This is the upper right of the bream.  My object here is to make the tiles look like stones or maybe gems,  I plan on working them to death.


  1. The plan is working! They are looking very "stone-like," especially the purple and green ones. I like them individually and the way they look together. So, you're just doing a part of the mosaic this time instead of the whole fish? This is going to be an interesting series.

  2. It looks like its made with amethysts and jade. Nice!

  3. Oh yeah, the "pieces" are really painted in an interesting and colorful way. Nice.

  4. Beautiful work. I love the color variations. Have you ever thought about just doing mosaics? I seem to recall you did take a mosaic class at some point...

    1. I took a course at the Chicago Mosaic School maybe five years ago. There was so much to learn and my fingers are fumbly and could see that it would be years before I developed enough to do anything halfway decent. The school used to be just off Irving Park. and sometimes I would drop in before visiting the Ten Cat and admire their galleries, but now that they have moved to Granville I haven't been there.

      You just don't get to see many mosaics. I thought the downtown library would be chock full of books on mosaics, but there was only like half a shelf of them, most of them poorly illustrated, I wonder if there are magazines, like all those watercolor magazines that make ne feel so inadequate.
