Saturday, August 1, 2020

August 1, 2020 — Elaine O.

In the process of trying a moody interior/still life, I learned a valuable lesson. I have to remember to stop and wait for things to dry. Not everything can or should be done all in one go. I still plan to finish this study and see if there are other morals to this story.

I also did a direct watercolor portrait sketch. I think I managed to stop just in time on this one.

Did Blogger just change something? I had a really hard time signing in and it doesn't even recognize me as either an admin or an author! My feelings are hurt! And the interface is different, too.


  1. Your direct paintings just get better and better!

    Like the study--I an relate to not giving te paint a chance to dry. That's my big downfall.

  2. I love the portrait, love how you painted it — the hair and the features, just enough but not too much! You really captured a feeling as well as a likeness. Your study has a nice quietness to it. What paper are you using?

    1. The interior is on Fabriano paper—the big pad of 25% cotton. I think it's meant for students or practice, but it's not bad and it's economical. The portrait is in a Canson multi-media sketchbook; again, not the finest quality paper but I like it for trying out ideas.

      And thanks for your comment. That's what attracted me—a warm, quiet feeling with a shaft of light coming through the blinds. Now I question why I don't have curtains instead.... much easier to paint!

  3. The interior is already lovely. I'd like to sew there! And the depiction of light coming through the blinds is exquisite. All very well done already.

    And that portrait is perfection. Very alive. I don't think you can get any better at it. Colors, brushstrokes, light...

    Yes, blogspot did change, I believe on Aug. 1. They gave a month's notice and I went into their new mode at that time so I didn't notice when it actually happened. It was just a format change. I don't recall it having an effect on posting or signing in...You could check out blogger help or whatever it's called.

  4. I love that long narrow window so proud and austere and then the clutter below. That's that all-knowing kid isn't it, very nice paint, love the blue.
