Saturday, August 29, 2020

elaine t., Aug. 29

 This does have a 50s Little Golden Book feel to it, doesn't it? My hand lettering skills are not what they were 30 years ago, however. 


  1. Yes, it has a distinct vibe—in the best possible way. I love this! And there's nothing wrong with your hand-lettering skills either.

    PS--I know your page is already full, but if you should happen to do another, I'm still lobbying for you to include the Blue-footed Booby!

    1. Maybe the booby will be in Cool Animal Names part II. I had to use blue-tailed skink because my sister discovered a nest of them by the garage of her retirement home in Wisconsin! She says they are so tiny and cute, they should be lapel pins.

    2. How cool! When do you get to camp out in her yard?

  2. I like the vignettes with their titles. And you certainly don't want stenciled lettering! Yes, I'm with Elaine, keep going with this great named critters series.

  3. Your lettering is lovely, as is your painting. You probably know the name of that font too! Can’t wait to see the skinks in color...

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. The animals are nice but i wish they were bigger, or there were more of them.
      Just correcting the previous comment.
