Sunday, August 9, 2020

Sara’s summer vacation


I spent the week in Michigan. On a few mornings,  l sketched from the porch.
Here’s what I sketched. I really liked this big tree across the street.Those figures on the side are a whirling dervish 2 1/2  yr old.
And when I wasn’t sketching, I was holding her more placid (for the moment) sister. 
A good time was had by all.


  1. I like the pix of you and the quilt with the baby doll at your feet. And those pants with the real baby doll! You've got some. You've got some great subject matter for future artwork. Looks like the vacation was relaxing for you. Nice sketches too.

  2. Lovely sketches! Nice to have some peace in a tranquil town. And, as Pat said, great subject matter for painting when you come home.

  3. Your sketches are always lovely, especially when you do trees and urban landscapes. I love the photos—you have to paint them! The first has such a mood of quiet and serenity. And the second one feels like a Mary Cassatt. Quinn is even posed in that relaxed, sleepy baby pose she does so well. Yes, you have to paint these.
