Monday, August 10, 2020

elaine t, should have been Aug 8th but it's the 10th, oh well

 Again not much work this week, but this week is promising to be better. I added a background and some yellow highlights to the angel monument from Calvary Cemetery. I started another monument, a complicated tree/ferns/log cross sculpture. I wanted to try a rainbow palette, but I'm not sure how well that will work. Could be that I'm creating a new sacrifice sheet.


  1. The angel islovely. The yellow highlights work well and I like the soft faded background of the headstones and trees. The whole composition evokes the peacefulness of a cemetery and the pleasant shock when you come across A beautifully carved monument.
    The second painting is a little bizarre. I thought that was Elmo’s head on the top...but I really like the electric blue shadows!

    1. We'll see where #2 goes. It may be one of those ideas that"s good in the imagination, but a flop in real life. Choosing a less-complicated statue might have helped too!

  2. The monument is great! It's direct watercolor, isn't it? I love the soft background; it creates an atmosphere that makes the whole painting more than just a study of a sculpture. I'm eager to see where the next one goes. I don't see it being a sacrifice sheet at all! Is that one of those monuments with a tree carved out of stone? They have a few at Rosehill and my favorite one has a train coming out of a tunnel.

    1. Calvary has a lot of carved log-themed monuments. Maybe there's special symbolism, or maybe it was just the style of the time? Many of the graves were relocated from Lincoln Park so there are a lot from the 1800s.

  3. It is lovely. Your painting reminds me of when we all used to go sketching as a group at Graceland Cemetery long, long ago. The second one looks like it combines the monuments and Candyland together. Can't wait to see how it turns out.
