Sunday, October 1, 2023

New methods

 I used a much bigger brush.  I mixed colors in the paintbox rather than on the paper.  And, instead of my usual careful dit dit dit dot method I slashed and splashed the paint down with wild abandon (well wild abandon by my standards).  I'm going to work on the bottom five spots and see if I can make them look like Jupiter's red spot.  Hmmm planets, there is an idea.  Well four more leaves after this one.


  1. I really like the addition of the turquoise blue and would add even more to the top half. It complements the rusts, greens and browns so well. These closer views are becoming more abstract and rely more on color shape and composition than on realism. This painting feels like looking down at a landscape from a plane, even though I know it's a leaf.

  2. Yes…Landscape in a Leaf….I like the way the veins break up the bottom half and they are strong enough to be interesting. The top half could profit from that treatment.

  3. I like this. I agree with all who think that there could be some other turquoise areas in this. Remember the comedy rule of 3.
