Sunday, October 8, 2023

Fruit and the creatures that might wanna eat it.

A bee.

I thought the loose, drippy background was a fun idea; I didn’t love how it turned out, but once I was happy with the bee, I didn’t want to fuss with the background.
A rhinoceros. 
This one was saved by those of you who came by my table to offer pointers. Learned a lot on this one.  Thanks, all. 

An apple.
The water droplets were maybe a bit gimmicky, but they were  interesting learning opportunity. 


  1. I'm so glad you've posted your latest work. They all look great! Actually the water drops work perfectly with the apple composition.

  2. Love the looseness that you are painting with now. I can really see the difference between gauche and watercolor paints. You’ve made a giant step forward artistically. Keep going as I’m enjoying your journey.

  3. Glad to see you back on the blog Brian. These are all terrific, and to think that you did the first two in one session and the apple in two. I like the background of the bee , she looks like they is dripping honey. I would continue the background of the rhino to include the left side of the painting. Those droplets are the stars of the apple but the condensation on the apples in the background contribute greatly. Maybe the stem could be a little lighter.

  4. Love all of these! The colors in the bee are great and you got the translucency of the wing just right. Your color choices in the rhino make him far more interesting than just a big gray blob. And the apples are beautiful. I don't think the droplets are gimmicky at all. The way you've painted the apples makes them part of the painting...and a very well painted part of the painting at that.
