Saturday, October 28, 2023

Alan Fall 8

 Completed my el and Hancock painting by removing the maskit, darkening the undercarriage, and adding more detail to the train and the buildings. I liked the pastel colors brought out in this.

Continuing on the el track, I did this one entirely in class. There remains some cleanup and detail work, but I like it so far. I like the golds and browns on the skin of the train as opposed to the pastels of the Hancock el  

And then I was fooling around with an image I saw after looking into the sun. An image appeared in the form of a colorful dot then morphed into the second pic and then the third. The fourth one should be how it disappeared but I couldn’t figure that out yet. 

We’ll see what happens. 


  1. I like the Peace Train but not the other one. It seems constrained and the windows are too damn small. Like the floater inspired Mondrians, more and bigger, but stick with the red, yellow, and blue.

    1. Yeah. I don’t like it either. I’ll see what I can do.

  2. Can't help it. My fav is the abstract color series. I could look at it back and forth forever. Very cool.

  3. I like the early morning feel of the first one. That touch of rosy-fingered dawn on the train skin is inspired. The second one feels more like autumn... and the lines are sharper and more angular. This series could be illlustrations in a children's book. They all have different personalities and should have names and back stories.
