Sunday, October 1, 2023

September 30, 2023— Elaine O.

Close to finishing another sheet of the Arches Rough block.  I will say this about Arches--that paper does take a lot of abuse! This has been drawn, erased and sketched over three different times with three different media. It's still going strong and taking paint like a champion.

8" square

One more session should do it, I think.


  1. This looks better than I remember it at class. It looks Egyptian to me for some reason. Like the orange green combo, they both go back to yellow which is my lodestone.

  2. Interesting…you’re using basically the same palette as Ken! Those leaves have a lot of movement, but it’s kind of a weird composition imo…

  3. The addition of the "point of interest" you added in class today really made a difference. Such a small touch too.
