Sunday, October 8, 2023

October 7, 2023 — Elaine O.

Added the thingy in the middle and some touches to the leaf and the sky and I'm done. I'm not sure exactly what that thingy is, but I love the solidity of the bird-of-paradise shapes and the energy of hair-like strands surrounding it. 

8" sq. approx.

Next up is a portrait. I've done a value study in charcoal and a closer study in ink. I've also done a rough sketch, but it's too pale to show up on screen, so you'll have to come back next week to see more.


  1. I’m always impressed at how easy this seems for you. I still can’t paint a living thing unless I trace it.

  2. Every detail in the palms is good, but it doesn't quite work all together. Waiting to see your mom.

  3. The thingy did it. Just pulled it all together. Mom studies good, but just wait for the real deal...mmm...
