Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Doing What The Teacher Tells You


My background was a washed out burnt Sienna. Then he looked sallow so I considered a thin wash of Opera to liven up that skin. Then teacher and fellow students said change that background. Certainly more dramatic. Still considering the Opera wash. 


  1. Yes he definitely is popping now! He looks much more intense as well. The dark background brings out his intense stare. Not sure you need the opera wash, but I’d like you to try it so I could see what it looks like!

  2. Well, that really brought his face out...I almost wonder if it's too much now. Anyway, I like what it did to his sweater (I love that sweater!) and would like to see the opera wash as well...and maybe a little darkening in the shadows to meld him with his background.

  3. The thing is if you don't do that wash you will never know how it would come out. Masterpieces are a dime a dozen, knowledge is priceless.

  4. What a difference a change in value makes. I was glad to see that what looks like a solid black here, was actually a painterly dark blue in class. Well done.
