Friday, October 6, 2023

Alan fall 4

 Well, I tried a nontoxic fixative on my latest Yupo. I sprayed too much and got a lot of paint running around as the fixative turned everything wet again. I lost some things that I liked and gained some things that I had not expected.  So I fixed up the alley looking west and here it is in it's new self.

Same thing with the alley looking East.

In homage to Sara I painted the alley looking south at my garage. Got a ways to go yet. Next I’ll look north but that will be a challenge because there’s not much there.  

This is part of downtown Muskegon Michigan, my hometown, done directly on Yupo without any drawing.  I’m really pleased with certain aspects of this and it was fun to do. I would  go much further if I decided to do a larger version on cold press. 


  1. Oh, I'm so happy you left the most recent painting as it is. It looks great!

  2. I really like the texture that fixative adds. Love the downtown Muskegon painting. You've added just enough foreground and stopped before the rest got too detailed. Even nicer in person. Sara will be flattered at your homage--and rightfully so! It's such a nice combination of order and looseness.

  3. Anonymous was me before I figured out how to break-on through the google-gate. I, too, like the way your environmental friendly fixative interacted with your alley paintings - softening them up a bit. The garage one is great especially after you finished it up in today's class.
