Sunday, October 22, 2023

Finished the turtle

 Kind of went by instinct on this one.  In the last fifteen minutes of class I put down hookers dark on the edges and I think it worked well to frame that light yellow center,


  1. I think this is my favorite leaf yet. That center is magnificent—it just draws you in.

  2. It’s organic and architectural at the same time. Good job.

  3. I like the square on the right and the three on the bottom, maybe the center needs just a touch more color. But I remember liking it a lot in class. Perhaps the photo is just washing out the center.

    1. It was hard to adjust between light and dark, too light and there was nothing in the center, too dark and there were no details. The reason to paint big is to put in a lot of details but then when you squash it into so many pixels you lose them.

  4. hmmm. Again, the painting in real life is infinitely better looking then on the computer. It does seem too high contrast, both too dark and too light.
