Monday, October 9, 2023

Greeta Gets It Finished……With Help & Some Luck

 I wish I had taken a picture of it before I worked on the finish. The huge dark building was too big, too dark, too boring. Elaine suggested picking up some of the dark paint …so using my magic chisel brush I indicated windows here and there constantly wiping the picked up paint off the brush.  Lo and behold yellow showed up even though I hadn’t used any.  There must be yellow in burnt umber.  Lucky break.

Then the snowflakes…..after toying with the idea of flicking white goauche, I opted for my white gel pen. And mixed goauche with water and a bit of cerulean to make the larger bluish ones  It’s so much better.

Well not quite. Still have mask on those ceiling lights!  


  1. I liked it with that big solid black box with the tiny windows at the top. It was not quite realistic but it popped.

  2. I like the way you've added the snowflakes. They don't look pasted on or fake. I also like the warmly lit ground floor area and the detail in there. While I did like the graphic quality of the black hulking background, I think the suggested windows better balance the rest of the painting. This is beautiful.

  3. Such a great composition and surely a difficult one to have tackled. The contrast between the myriad reflected lights, shadows and colors on the bottom half of the painting balanced by the solid mass of dark on the top half is utterly amazing. Not the mention that orange arabesque linking the two together. Wow, and then some.
