Saturday, October 21, 2023

Alan Fall 7

 Finished the weird perspective el painting. It’s on 140 coldpress. Took some advice from Pat and went darker at the top to keep the painting from floating off the top of the page. I still like the pole with the street sign and stoplight best.  

A friend sent me a picture of an old plow he found on a trip to Italy.  I had to figure out how it worked in order to paint it.  This is just a little study in my sketchbook but I worked hard on the background.

I decided to paint some more Chicago El pics. This is a value drawing of the next one.  

And then I began the painting on 140 coldpress.  There’s a long way to go to refine details but the basic structure is there.   


  1. Like the contrast between the two el trains. The first one looks chaotic and the second one looks serene.

  2. I like the el paintings, particularly the way the compositions contribute to the mood. That first one is moving—spinning out of the bend—and there's a majesty to the second one. The pink reflections on the side of the train work really well, too.

  3. I love those trees/leaves in the second el painting. Both compositions remind me of those 1930s/40s posters advertising the trains to local destinations…. The tractor study reminds me of a Wallace Stevens poem: “So much depends/ upon/ a red wheel/ barrow/ glazed with rain/ water/ beside the white/ chickens”….

  4. Great train compositions, complete opposites in dynamics. Nice value drawing too. That tractor thingy is practically surrealistic.
