Monday, December 18, 2023

on the road again

 To a corn field I believe, if it does not get crushed by what appears to be maybe a toe of the jolly green giant, but this painting is being quite the Chatty Kathy, so I don't anticipate any problems here.


  1. Yes, this is quite promising indeed. I am not sure about seeing a jolly green toe, but do let that painting keep chatting with you. I'm interested to hear more.

  2. Don't forget to use the other colors in your box. 3/4 of the paper looks pretty blank thus far. But you do have all the time you need for your painting. Have fun.

  3. I couldn’t figure out what that blob of green on the right was until you explained that it was the toe of the Jolly Green Giant.

  4. This looks even better posted on FB where you added a tree to the right and maybe toned down some of the green. With the tree it reminds me of some of Klimt’s landscapes.
