Sunday, December 17, 2023

Alan Fall15

 I think I’m finished with this view of the pods in Biloxi. I increased the value in parts of the foliage of the live oaks. 

Some more urban sketching of alleys. I call this one “Transformer Alley” because of all the transformers outside Illinois Masonic Hospital. This is a 5 X 5 on hot press in my sketchbook. I like how Waterlogue highlighted the turquoise and Cobalt Blues. 

One of the things I like about the accordion style sketchbook is the ability to paint on multiple pages. So this is 5 X 10. It’s a view of the Columbus Park lagoon that was on a PBS show. I just took a pic of the tv screen and am having to remember what it was. But I know what it is. 


  1. That alley is fantastic-especially the tracery of white lines across the blue shadows. I also like the spread at the bottom. There's something simple and Hockney-like about it now that I already like (but I know it's not finished!). I really like the foliage on the Yupo, as well as the color paths you've created. There was something about the sketch trees, though.... they were so alive!

  2. Yeah I go with the alleys, all that commotion beneath the wires.

  3. You've really been going places with with all these painting styles/ techniques/ approaches. The ink and watercolor sketches and the Yupo renditions. And somehow committing them to sketchbooks has really enhanced the whole process. Way to go, Alan.

  4. Yes, really love the way these are painted.
