Saturday, December 16, 2023

December 16, 2023 — Elaine O.

It's the last session of the year, so I thought I'd take things easy. Here, then, are some chickens. They are French chickens...specifically from Monet's chicken coop in Giverny. This was originally intended as a rough practice sketch as I don't know much about chickens...except that they are delicious. I'm not finished yet, but there are enough things I like to make it worth continuing. 

Monet's Chickens    14" x 11"

Tune in again to see more. Meanwhile, have a wonderful holiday and best wishes for a magical new year.


  1. Yes! They are delicious. I’ve seen a lot of artists try to paint them for good and bad. I myself was bad at painting them but excellent at grilling them. Maybe I should paint that. Good start.

  2. Oh yeah. He knows they are watching him preen himself. They are acting like they could care less but they can't keep their eyes off him.

  3. This is already a fantastic painting in terms of composition, color, value and freshness of style. Cock and his mates.

  4. Great start, love the way the greenery and the chicken is painted.
