Monday, December 25, 2023

Goin down the road feeling bad.

 Was going down ok, but then I got like a random vertical line in the road in the lower left corner and I could not get it out.  Wet it, pulled it out.  Put more paint over it and it still shone through, more water, more paper towels, more paint, more water, etc.  Mostly got it out but too much shows through. Basically gave up on it and that freed me up to be very loose on the sky.  Too loose, because that lower cloud is way too thick.  While I'm in my orange, yellow green palette I can put stuff down and pick it up.  But blue does not pick up well and leaves that dirty blue residue.

Still I think it has some promise.  Well not this one, but I think I will start something from scratch and use what I have learned.

Kind of like this break.  Having to work on a true work of art every week was getting too stressful for me.  I need time to  experiment. 


  1. Oh, don't feel bad about going down that road. I don't notice any vertical road line. Just vertical sky lines and they don't really bother me. Sometimes sky formations do that, or the clouds do. In fact, the sky colors look the most natural of all in the painting. All that bright green could use some naturalization for itself. You have all the time you need for your painting.

  2. Try as I might, I don't see a vertical line in the road. As for blues, I always try a lift test before I commit to one in a painting. Be careful with pthalo blue--it's the most unliftable color there is...unless you consider pthalo green. Anyway, I wasn't sure about the sky, but the more I look at it, the more I like that glow at the horizon. It feels like an impending storm at twilight.

  3. Agree with Pat about the sky although you might bring the tree and sky together unless that brightness is what you want. That little group of plants in the middle could use some work though. Maybe with a version of the technique you used on the corn. And that is a mighty big pine on the horizon there.

    It does look a lot better now. Keep going.

  4. Didn’t you post this on FB with a really big Klimt-like tree on the far right side, going off the paper. If you didn’t, that is what it needs.

  5. I can’t see the line. You need my magic brush. It gets rid of almost everything including invisible lines …haha. Those greens are intense. In photos of Ireland, I see that color.
