Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Trading card merch….

 Here are the two little sample tablets from Blicks. One is yupo heavy and the other 140# coldpress, both 2.50 x3.75, 10 sheets for $2.50. I bought them at the Evanston Blicks @ Xmas time, they were in a basket near the checkout line. No, I haven’t used them yet….

I think this is finished. I did a couple blue washes over the background to fade it into the mist and add more mystery to this painting of a 23 year old 3rd grade schoolteacher in 1963, posing on Easter Sunday, somewhere near Carmel, Calif.

One final painting of a cold December night, done with just 3 colors: ultramarine blue, yellow ochre and burnt sienna.I like the top half better than the bottom…maybe I’ll move on to a cold January night…


  1. We just bought both little tablets at Blick yesterday!. Now they’re back with the big tablets. I like the angularity of the second one. And good darks with 3 colors.

  2. I like both paintings. The stylized version with the half in shadow looks to me like a gesture that does the most with the least. Although it does look like the fence will give way so I wouldn’t lean against it. That’s the only thing that bothered me. I really like the style you’ve been moving towards. Less is more.
