Tuesday, January 17, 2023


 My paper white bulb is coming along. Not as well as Greeta’s but then I’m not a natural mother. Watercolor on Yupo.

Here’s all of them on a strip of Yupo.  They’re very small But a lot of fun. 

I may have completed my 4th hole dogleg left painting with Chicago in the background. I couldn’t get Marina City in there. I can now see the shot shape now and I like the trees better. Watercolor on 140.

Looking forward to seeing you all in class Saturday. 


  1. I love those yupo bulbs, but I have to remind you of Uncle Ken' fourth law of good art. Bigger is better.

  2. Love the bulbs. What would be cool is a scroll documenting the growth and bloom of the bulbs, but I don't know if Yupo comes in sheets or rolls. I know it must for commercial printers, but for regular artists, I'm not sure. Still, that would be cool to see. That golf course makes me eager for spring.

  3. Just love the juiciness of the yupo bulbs…the golf course painting is lovely…especially like the light on the greens.
