Saturday, January 7, 2023

Elaine O. — January 7, 2023

 It's one of those years when nothing seems to be going right! My colors wouldn't blend and my triads fought each other. Even the 5 minute warmup didn't help get my mojo back. So I opened my gouache set, hoping that experimenting with a new medium might do the trick. Here's the pristine, unopened set of jelly gouaches, ready to open and swatch.

Here they are, with the lids peeled off....

... and labeled and swatched.

My first impressions? I found them to be a bit streaky and not as opaque as I expected. They also seemed to be clumpy and difficult to clean out of my brushes. On the other hand, I probably just need to play with them some more to figure out how to get that flat, matte, opaque look I associate with gouache. Back next week, hopefully with better results.


  1. Your swatch colors look very true to the paint colors. But these are gouache that can be reconstituted with water? The tube ones I have are hard to reconstitute, although they are pretty old…but maybe you can use the streakinessto your advantage, for adding texture to a painting?

    1. Supposedly, the case keeps them moist, but when they dry out, they can be reconstituted with water...allegedly! These are definitely budget, so that's probably why they are a bit streaky and not as opaque. I just wanted to get a feel for gouache without spending a lot.

  2. I used them for a little while maybe fifteen years ago, and it seemed to me that they did not mix well and you were soon in a black hole of brown. But maybe that was just me. Dash on Elaine and time will tell.
