Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Gouache Life

I started break feeling VERY ambitious. Tried to copy Harry Styles' album cover.
Harry deserves better than this!!
Bryan thinks I'm being to hard on myself, but I KNOW what I THOUGHT I could accomplish and this ... is not it!
After humbling myself I poked around YouTube and found some beginner watercolor challenges and took a crack at a few.
All of these were painted using gouache. I do get frustrated with blending and layering. For now, I'm going to assume it's not me, it's the gouache :)

Hmm, maybe I will never purchase watercolor so I can always blame the paint!!


  1. If you learn nothing else in this class, you will learn to always blame the materials. Kidding aside, nice work. Gouache is fun too and you can dilute it a lot giving a more watercolory look.

  2. Harry is in one of those rooms from horror movies only instead of the walls getting closer the floor and the ceiling are getting closer, but I like the painting. It is more dreamlike than the actual Harry. Huck Finn is charming too, like his shadow and that of his boat.

  3. There's something very naive and charming about the top painting. The wet-in-wet brushwork and the landscape vs. square orientation give it an immediacy and a sense of childlike confusion. I like it! I like the exercises, too. I'm particularly fond of the sky/mountains/treeline. I think I learned something from you here--gouache is brilliant with clear, simple lines and shapes. Someone's used their break well!

  4. Your studies are great…you’ve caught that ephemeral quality of light, especially in the boat painting. And even Harry is a testament to your ability to use gouache as watercolor…
