Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Alan and Peyronies

 Did a couple quick sketches of the paper white narcissus bulb as it grows up. Ken showing decline, me showing growth. These are two more watercolor on Yupo. This is more of a top view.

I took it out of the little bowl before transplanting it into a bigger container and painted the bottom view. I like the roots. 

After transplanting it into a bigger pot I plan to do a bigger version. Maybe Yupo and regular cold press. 

I continue to work on my Yupo version of mini peppers at the Jewel that Greeta insists reminds her of the bentcarrot.com ad.  I think that I have the basic structure and am going from pepper to pepper using different techniques to make each one interesting. 

Make a nice shirt. 


  1. Those narcissus bulbs are great. Of course I have no idea what they look like in real life, and I don't care the paint is what is good. Love the bottom of the blue bowl. Have high hopes for the mini peppers. Remind me to ask you for a sheet of yupo Saturday.

  2. I'm enjoying the bulb series...both yours and Greeta's. Those peppers would make a great shirt, especially on a bright base, like Ken's. Maybe we should all have shirts or sweatshirts made. It would be interesting to see what we choose.

  3. Like the color intensity on the second bulb painting. I think I’ve seen that pepper shirt some place…I admire your tenacity with the pepper painting…I’d lose interest after the third pepper…
