Sunday, January 22, 2023

An Announcement, A Question, and a Crooked Little Pot

 Just noticed Art Institute is free to IL residents Mon, Thu, Fri from 1/9 until 3/24. 

Can anyone suggest beginning on-line watercolor instruction?  You Tube demos?

A friend who took Truman class years ago is now out of town and in a situation where she can’t take an in-person class but would very much like to get back into it. 

Good example of what happens when there’s no drawing practice🙄


  1. On YouTube I really like Makoccino and Jenna Rainey (two different people/channels). I did some of Makoccino's challenges over break. She breaks things down really well. Easy to follow and understand! Jenna Rainey is helpful too, though I haven't tried to follow along or do any of her challenges yet.

  2. I don't know about tutorials to recommend, but I am really liking your bulb series. I don't know what you wanted to see in terms of drawing. There's an energy and spontaneity to this drawing that goes with sprouting and growth. And again, those shadows are so cool.

  3. Speaking of tutorials I am thinking of those you tubes that you sent me the addresses of with the, what were they Romanian? brothers, where they slapped paint all over and at the time I said Sure I could do that too, if I was a really good artist. But lately I have been been slapping paint around willy nilly and sometimes it works.
