Wednesday, May 29, 2024

A Lot Going On

 Tiny setback storefront was once a photography studio then a radio/TV station and now a dispensary although Mississippi does not allow the full strength stuff.  I hate doing lettering. Forgot that I had “fixed” the white sign with gouache, I ran a wet brush over it to deaden the white. Can’t do that with gouache. 🙄


  1. There IS a lot going on there. So many textures and surfaces and you've got them all. I also like the way the more modern sign at the top is just hinted at. And I don't think you ruined the lettering. It looks just right; you wouldn't want it all crisp and perfect. And a final note: Just my opinion, but It feels more like a quilt shop or artist's studio than a dispensary.

  2. Yes I thought it was an artist’s studio too! Love all your textures on the tree, the grass, the bricks, the roof, etc. yes a lot going on but you brought them all together well.

  3. Looks like a cheery little shop at the edge of town. Were the vendors cheery?

    That front yard could have more of a presence.

    I like the bush in front and the tree behind. Not so much the potted plant which looks like it is about to fall over.

    Is this the original photo or did you crop it?

  4. It doesn't really matter what the building is/was. You've done a great job capturing all the colors, shapes and textures of the place. And made it look cosy too.
