Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The Only Real Donut

 The Tato Nut Donut shop was named for their innovative use of potato flour. So popular they often sell out and close down for the day. This one takes up two pages of the foldout sketchbook. 

And just for Ken I fixed the horizon line on the beach scene. 


  1. These vivid new yellows, I like them. New teacher? Love the horizontal waterline, no tsunami rushing at the bathers.

    1. Indian Yellow. Thinking of putting it in my pallette.

  2. Love the use of the Indian Yellow--it feels like a lazy, sun-drenched morning. There's a great sense of place and time; I want to be there with a coffee and a sketchbook. Also, great save on the horizon. Who says you can't "fix" watercolor? Seriously, I zoomed in and still can't see where you changed things.

  3. You can sure tell you're not in Chicago. I like your exuberant use of color. And new triad of yellow-red-blue.

  4. Looks hot down there…aren’t you ever coming home?
