Sunday, May 19, 2024

Switzerland and the Rhine…

These are pretty terrible sketches photographed poorly as well, but I try to to do one every day just as a reminder of where we are and what we’re doing. The first two are views of our hotel rooms in Zurich and Lucerne, and the last one is our balcony on the boat. So far it’s a very fun trip. It’s just amazing to realize that the Rhine is the border between Germany and France and until post ww2 they did nothing but fight each other for 2000 years. Now as members of the EU, you don’t even need a passport to go from one country to the next. And in Switzerland, they vote every three months! Talk about a participatory democracy….


  1. So glad to have you back! And it sounds like you had a wonderful time. Can't wait to see the paintings you have in the pipeline. I think your "sketch a day" is a great idea. No matter how quick or bad the sketch is (and yours aren't bad!), you instantly remember the real thing. Much better than a photo for that.

    1. We’re still cruising, heading to Düsseldorf, Cologne, and Amsterdam, returning on Sunday I think….

  2. Beautiful sketches done rapidly and a little carelessly, and with much verve.

  3. When you think about it, Elaine is totally correct and Greeta says that you remember detail when you make these sketches that you wouldn't think of just by looking at a photo. Love the toes and the nipple.

  4. Good idea to do daily (or so) sketches and the look great. It's true, you will remember everything about them when you get back, much more than if they were photos. Because you're capturing the moment, (mind, eyes, hand) not a camera.
