Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Alan Spring 8

 I had two pages left in my Ocean Springs so I sketched the place where we had watercolor classes and a different version of the aloe plant in the backyard of our VRBO house. 

I’m trying a little abstract painting on Yupo. I’ve got the background the way I like it. 


  1. Looks like some kind of mountain road in the southwest as spring begins to bloom.

    I would take hold of the road and let the painting move out from both sides.

    I like those white shapes, rocks(?) falling in from the upper left. Not so crazy about that green thing, looks a little too solid for the rest of the painting.

    What are those lines composed of? They look like pencil but I didn't think you could use pencils on yupo because wouldn't they dent it.

    I don't think I've ever critiqued an abstract before. Kind of hard because you can never know where it is going? Kind of lonely doing one because there are no trees or houses to keep you company, just you and your brush, and hopefully the good Lord.

  2. Nice sense of space on the sketches. I like the way the composition moves you deep into that first one. Are the arches trees or brick arches? Regardless, they make an interesting frame. I like the background choice for the aloes better than the Yupo one where they stood alone. This keeps you moving back and forth and gives context. I really like the start of the abstract. The colors are delicious and very evocative.

    1. The arches are poorly done trees. Supposed to be two big branches with one in shadow. Didn’t work out like I wanted. The aloe sketch has time and place where the Yupo painting is just about the plant.

  3. I like all the pen work on the first sketch . Again, a lot of textures but it all works together. Sorry but the aloe plant is just not my thing. Like that peach color in the abstract….
