Monday, May 6, 2024

paint-centric week two

 In the mopping up stage with these things.  I often get so engrossed by details that I don't pay much attention as to how they fit in with the painting as a whole, so my end stage consists mostly of stitching all the elements together which is not as exciting as pouring paint into the wild white yonder, but it gives a kind of crossword puzzle solving pleasure.

This is the first one I finished, put those red and blue dots in vertical rows to make it, um, pop.

Still stitching this one together, a little trouble in the middle.

I didn't have much hope for this last week, but I think she just might be able to limp into shore.

Have been worried about that empty space at top center.  Should I fill it in?  Should I echo it in the bottom?  Right now I am leaning towards the echo.


  1. The second one reminds me of when my grandfather used to pick tomato worms off his plants and crush them between his fingers. Trying not to see that but can’t help it. I like the movement of color in the third one. Imo there’s no empty space in the last one, just a light blue area providing a little contrast between the other stuff.

  2. First things first--I really like this new direction you're taking. I also love your description, "pouring paint into the wild blue yonder." Individually, I think that first one is beautiful and it's done. The second one is almost done, I think. There's something about the bottom left that feels different than the rest in terms of style--like old Ken trying to have a last hurrah. The third one is also lovely and finished. On that last painting, I liked the way the white space drew focus to the more densely painted bits. I don't mind the upper space, but the lower spaces seem too regular and less organic than the rest of the painting. Anyway, these are all exciting, interesting and beautiful.

  3. Yay Ken. The 1st looks great...except the blue dots float across the surface too much, while the red ones stay more in line with the rest of the painting. The 2nd one is a fight, yeah, and it just isn't done yet. The 3rd one is fine. And the 4th just needs work on the bottom. You don't want do have things to regularly spaced out. Ditto on the 2nd ptg. Have you tried turning them around when you paint on them so you get a different perspective from time to time?

  4. They each seem to have a theme that you carried out; I guess it has to do with the shapes more than the colors. #2 needs works but the rest feel finished. Although #3 is my least favorite…maybe it needs stronger lines or some other element. Looks very rainbowish to me…Nice work!

  5. Like the last one. Agree with Pat on the bottom. Maybe that should be the top. This has many lovely soft edges.

  6. Like the last one for its lovely soft edges and use of color. Agree with Pat on the bottom. Maybe the bottom is the too.
