Wednesday, May 15, 2024


 Hello! In honor of Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month of May, my group of 46 Filipino American artists in the Chicago area, identified as "Sinag USA" ( translated ray of light) has a group exhibit at Evanston Art Center up to May 25. My husband & I are one of the co- sponsors of the opening reception last April & I submitted 6 9" X 12" art works for exhibit. Since I am one  of the co sponsors, I mistakenly assumed that I could see my watercolors immediately upon entering the exhibit area. I realized lately, that if one volunteers to assist in the set up, that, the helpers' art work are given preference in the placement and exposure in the exhibit area than the others. Thus, after a long circular walk inside Evanston Art Center, that I found my 6 paintings in an obscure little corner hidden behind a dividing wall! Only a visitor would time to spare could find my paintings. Truly, a humbling moment! Thus I titled this blog essay as "  Hidden Figures". Well, anyway, two  relatives of my husband, Skokie residents, visited EAC later, after they learned there is a Filipino exhibit in the area! They were surprised to find my corner last  week & texted me of their discovery! And they were happy to report" You have it!" Life is like that, One Surprise, One Day At a Time"!


  1. I remember those paintings! They're absolutely worth the effort to find them. Also, you and Tony are looking good!

  2. Well you know if you want to see the really good stuff you have to put in some effort. I can make out the paintings in the four corners, but the two in the middle rows are too small for me to make out.

  3. Hi Susan, good to see you and Tony too. I wonder if you could post those paintings up individually so we could bask in their loveliness?
