Thursday, May 16, 2024

First Post

As a newbie to this, it's certainly a bit intimidating posting among so many talented artists such as yourselves but here goes...

Rainbow Road in Reykjavik, Iceland
This is the painting that took most of my time last semester. I'm happy with the sky and the perspective of the buildings but would love to return to this one day and rework some of the street details (preferably far in the future because I definitely need a break from this scene 😅). I learned a lot from this painting, so I'm excited to see how I can build on it and improve in the next semester.
                                                           Bleeding Heart Flowers Card
As you probably guessed, this was a mother's day card that I made for my mom. I experimented with a more abstract background than I am used to and a little bit of pen work to emphasize the flowers. I have mixed feelings about it, but my mom was happy to receive it so goal accomplished!


  1. So good to see you on the blog. That is a dramatic street but I miss the mysterious chair that was on the sidewalk. Like the Mother's Day card. Would make a nice tattoo.

  2. Yay, Kat! Good to see you posting. The first painting makes me wish we'd done a stopover in Reykjavik. Next time! Anyway, love the composition on that one--it's so lively and it masterfully leads the viewers' eyes. The flower is so delicate. I especially like the restrained use of ink. Just enough to add definition, but not so much as to be heavy or intrusive.

  3. We welcome your paintings to the blog, Kat. The drama of a rainbow road and the delicate coloring of the sky is really awesome, not to mention the precision of that perspective and detail of all those buildings. I like the completely different look of your Mother's Day card. Well done. Now what about the tree paintings and the building with the striped awning?

  4. I like the rainbow painting although maybe the sky needs more punch to balance the strength of the lower part of the painting. And yes the card shows a totally different side of you! Love itsdelicate nature…
