Monday, May 27, 2024

It’s Not A Grocery

 It’s the Government Street Grocery, a bar and restaurant featuring local bands. It opened in the aftermath of Katrina but it has a vibe that makes you think it’s been around forever. 


  1. It looks like an early November afternoon and the wind has been whipping up and the guy is one of those guys that hates to acknowledge the approach of Old Man Winter and now he is wishing he hadn't worn shorts but is glad he bought those Ho Hos because they will be good eating along with the pot of tea he is planning to start as soon as he gets home. Oh wait a minute. It's not a grocery so he is returning empty-handed and a little bitter about the fakery of the sign, and will probably be slipping a little Jim Beam into that cup when he gets home.

    I would have cut off part of the street and the sky and made it a portrait painting to accentuate the movement of the biker.

    The thing I like best is the slightly ramshackle look of the grocery evidenced by the lettering on the sign. The thing I like least is the street.

    What came first, the grocery or the biker?

    1. Below the grocery sign the colored rectangles are mosaics. The biker belongs where he is. I was lucky to get a shot without big ass trucks or cars parked in front of it. I could have left the biker out, especially since he’s wearing a helmet…very unusual for Ocean Springs.

  2. I like this. I like the composition, the way the rider is framed in the window and the glimpses inside the "grocery" windows. I especially like the shadows on the street. Really fills and balances the foreground. And the building looks fascinating, too.

  3. I seems you have a knack for capturing the atmosphere around unique buildings in an area. The composition really works with the building stretched across the middle, lots of sky above and street beneath. The bike riding off adds just a touch of motion to it all. Well done.
