Saturday, February 6, 2021

The Alley at Andersoville, Feb 2021

 Every year, my family has been out of town on vacation, as an escape from snow, shovel & salt of a winter in Chicago. Alas, this 2021 cold snap plus pandemic  totally unloaded on us & the only vacation is staycation. As a homage to current events, I painted the scenery in front of my garage: the porches & garage doors heavy with snow, the pine trees green & white, the snow topped garbage can, the immobile car & frustrated motorists & the snow angels clearing the alley so that we could go out to pick up medicines, buy groceries, leave for medical treatments & appointments & attend mass with social distancing! Thanks for teacher Pat for the timely inspirational paintings! Stay healthy & keep warm! Happy painting all!


  1. Oh, yeah! Everything about this feels familiar. I like the sense of place, too. Obviously a Chicago alley.

  2. This is a beautiful painting, Susan and totally has the Chicago atmosphere. I think it's calendar worthy. Perhaps one for each type of weather of the month?

  3. This is the real snow scene in Chicago. There is that first beautiful silent moment but then it’s all about the car, the shovel, the ice, and how to deal with everyday life and you have expressed it.

  4. You captured that blinding brightness of the frigid sunny day after the snow. I love the freshness of the colors!
