Saturday, February 20, 2021

Elaine O. — February 20, 2021

Yes, I did snow too! This isn't the massive snowfall we just had, needless to say. You can tell since you can actually see the fence and other features.

Beagle in the Backyard    12" x 9"

I was thinking of leaving a white page in my sketchbook to document the snow, but instead, I waited a day and tried to get the icicles. The day after, they were long and sparkling in the sun.

The next day, they were even longer, denser and sparklier. I had a hard time capturing that sparkle. I finally added silver; unfortunately, you have to turn the page to the side before you can see it. The icicles are getting longer every day; now they are an actual ice curtain that extends below the windows and down a whole floor. I may try to sketch them again until I get something I'm happy with.

Oh, and I wanted to remind myself of a "Lockdown Lesson" I learned: Don't wear black on baking day! You can see the dusting of flour if you zoom in.


  1. love the boots and how tall is that beagle

    1. Thanks for that comment--I knew something was a bit off but now all is well. I fixed her height. She's normal sized and was scraping bottom on the snow. Her legs were a bit long, but they're fixed now! Thanks again!

  2. Nice winter scenes. Like how you treated the trees and bushes in the dog scene and the snow on the fence! The pen and washes are fun. Yeah! I just posted my neighbor’s icicle collection on Fb! They are pretty amazing. Like the perspective on the baking day piece.
