Friday, February 26, 2021

Face Two

 Feb 27 painting is a juxtaposition of my husband's pictures: the right side of his face in 2021 & the left side of his face in 1971. The present self has a winter background of bare trees & snow & it featured  thinning hair & whiskers of pandemic reality. The younger self has a tropical background of bamboo trees, mountains & turquoise waters & it featured thick wavy hair heavy with pomade & clean shaven youthfulness. Although there was a half century difference, his facial bony structures stayed the same since he was skinny as a young man  & he became skinny again last year after some health issues!. The side by side faces look weird as a whole but is acceptable when viewed separately! Happy painting fellow artists!


  1. How about one that is half you and half your husband? These very different faces meld together nicely.

  2. I especially like the backgrounds on these—how you used the same color, but in one, it's warm and in the other, cool. Also how you've changed the seasons, but kept elements like tree and horizon. Very interesting!

  3. Very interesting ! I would mat and frame the half face paintings individually and then hang them side by side. Really like the backgrounds as well.
