Saturday, February 27, 2021

elaine t. / feb 27 - skin tones

 These are small, quick direct paintings in which I'm trying not to overwork the skin tones. It's Émile, of course, but looks completely different in each attempt. I plan to continue until the sheet is full. I think I'm getting the discipline to not keep going back for one more wash of color. So far I'm happiest with the center one. 


  1. These are really good. They remind me of the wet/medium/dry exercise. I especially like the way you go in with deliberate brushmarks and don't mush it up with unnecessary pushing and pulling of the paint. The colors are great... and he looks so grown up!

  2. I agree the middle face is best, but I really like the hair texture and the shadow on the neck in the third one. What a great idea to practice this — that never dawned on me !

  3. The first is too blurry, and the second is too exact, and the third is just right.
