Saturday, February 6, 2021

Elaine O.—February 6, 2021

Yes, I'm in denial! I've started painting the Art Institute in sunnier times. This is a view seen from the El tracks. I still have some finishing and the cars... I'm not sure why I find them so hard to paint. Maybe I should leave them off and call this a pandemic view. LOL

Going to the Art Institute    10" x 8"

I've been too busy shoveling actual snow to paint it, but I've wanted to. I recall doing a snow series last year (or maybe the year before that) and enjoying it. I'm thinking of doing more. This is a sketch documenting the first (pretty) snowfall... before the big one.

Snowfall        approx. 4" square


  1. I absolutely luv that snowfall scene, Elaine. It just dances around and everything about it looks wonderful. I hope you do more of them.

  2. Snowfall fabulous. Need to look at this when I try to do a photo I took after that really big storm.

  3. I love the snowfall scene too! Love the color palette. How did you make those squiggly lines ? I love that effect of snow on all the branches. I like the art institute scene too—it always catches my attention from the el. Nice capturing the light on the bricks and trees. You don’t need cars — could be early Sunday morning....

    1. The colors are just burnt sienna and ultramarine blue (and maybe a bit of buff titanium on the building, I'm not sure). The squiggly lines are masking fluid; I used a toothpick as I didn't want to ruin a brush, so I didn't have the best control.
