Wednesday, February 14, 2024

If Only Greeta Had The Right Brush


Wanting to correct the eye, both its shape and expression, I ordered a small version of my “magic brush” (Princeton chisel blender) via Amazon. That was over a week ago and I’m still waiting. The photo greatly exaggerates the white of the glasses. However, that right lens does have to be blurrier. 

Background….yes or no.?  And if yes, what color?  My inclination would be to stay with a gold tone. In the other one, I went with pale violet and wasn’t that happy with the choice.


  1. Nice portrait! Can't wait to see what the magic brush can do. Right now, she seems laser focused and rather angry. Who's she mad at? Anyway, the detailing on that collar is exquisite. As for the background, I liked the violet, but don't take any advice from me about backgrounds! I'm having issues with them, so wouldn't be the best advisor.

  2. I know. That eye is making her look mad when her expression is impassive in the photo. I canceled the brush. It was never going to get here.

  3. So this is what's called Resting Bitch Face. Well done.

  4. I have not given up. I’m “resting” her so as to inspire capturing her true demeanor.
