Saturday, February 24, 2024

Alan Winter 8

 I had two pages left in my little sketchbook and I was tired of looking at my own neighborhood-block after same block as I rehabbed my hip. But I kept running across great screensavers on my computer and these are two of them. 

Tired of coloring within the lines?  It’s trouble when you are the one drawing the lines. I tried to be as loose as I could with the paint and brush but still ended up respecting my drawing. Still, I think it’s pretty fun on 5 X 5 hot press. And I got to use my urban sketching kit so I’ll be more prepared to use it when the weather changes.   


  1. I like the castle alright, but that Abbey, it appears just to be a facade. Have you tried painting something loosely and then coming in with the ink pen? When the ink goes first I think it is too dominant.

  2. I agree with Ken--if you loosely put the color in and then add ink, you're bound to color outside the lines. I like the reflection of the tree in the Abbey foreground and the way the background light glows through the Abbey ruins. Maybe a cast shadow in front of the wall to ground it?

  3. Lively watercolor and ink sketches with great coloring. One of the exercises in that book "Art Escapes" was to first sketch something in ink and then add watercolor as you've done. The other was to first splotch on watercolor and later add on ink sketching. There's a real difference by varying the approach. You might enjoy it.

  4. Love the colors in these and I think the colors and ink lines work fine together. I’ve been watching Landscape Artist of the Year (several seasons on Prime) where they paint a lot of ruins. …it looks like a fun challenge.
