Saturday, August 6, 2022

Gouache darn it….

 Well, I’m supposed to be packing but instead I spent the morning on this weird piece, mainly painting over the watercolor with gouache. The paper is worn to bits in the cloud area, as I kept putting down color and wiping it out. I kind of like the density of the gouache; it gives it a more foreboding feeling, like, what just happened: nature or apocalypse? And I did learn that you can’t reconstitute gouache on the palette like you can watercolor, so only put out what you can use….


  1. You have definitely caught the feel of an impending storm. This has that eerie lighting in the clouds and sky. I'm also really impressed by the way that explosion of fiery cloud is surrounded by complements, the path of lighter orange leading us through the painting and the reflections in the car windows. This is beautifully composed and painted!

  2. Interesting painting, all is humdrum and bland in the foreground but what is going on in the sky. Reminds me of those dust bowl photos just before the sandstorm hits.

  3. It kind of looks like the End of Days for Exxon Mobile. Looks like fun.
