Saturday, August 20, 2022

et / final salmon

 Not much accomplished this week, painting-wise. I got the final details on the salmon, and added some cobalt blue to the water. I think I want to do some people next, maybe try a portrait of a favorite celebrity... we'll see.


  1. This is so good--it's already a portrait! It's like he's screaming "NOOOO!" as he's seeing the bear ahead. He's so solid and real and there's just enough background to place him, but not so much that we get lost in unnecessary details.

  2. Impressive! I know fishermen who would love this hanging in their den.

  3. Gr3at colors on the body and that sense of fear —or maybe wonderment —is palpable. I agree, it’s a great portrait!

  4. Fearsome and fearful with a rosy belly.
