Saturday, August 6, 2022

elaine t. / more Alaska vibes

 A salmon that just escaped the bears at the waterfall! I thought about adding a big open bear mouth in the background, but that felt too corny. He'll get more shading and scales today. More work to do on the rushing water this week.


  1. You got all that info from the live cam? Incredible! You've already got the shape and weight of the fish, just with those delicate washes. Looks like just three colors, too. This will make for a great companion piece to the bears, especially when the water goes in. I love the way you handle water.

    1. I used a still photo for reference but had to adjust the curve of the tail. Water, of course watching the camera.

  2. Wow! You really captured the movement and the heft of the fish. Love the colors and the way he’s painted - very watercolory for a dry brush master!
