Tuesday, August 16, 2022

A Little love….

 Ken said the blog needed a little love, so here are a few of my morning sketches from South Haven.they’re very small - 2 to a 6x9 page. That was about all I did on vacation. I started the watercolor above this morning. It’s our farm stand harvest (red haven peaches and muskmelon) plus Joe's tomato harvest. I sketched with some cheap watercolor pencils I bought for my g-kids and painted the one finished tomato with them. They have a lot of color but I decided it would take too long to do the whole painting with them so I switched to watercolor paints. I was painting from life but then I got hungry thinking about how good a BLT sandwich would taste….


  1. Definitely a little love! All of these feel very vacation-y. I love the feel of sitting on a porch on a lazy summer morning. You don't even need color. And the produce is making me hungry too. Especially like the colors on the peaches. They feel fuzzy!

  2. Nothing like peaches to eat and paint.

  3. Love the sketches! I always want to do something like that in pen and then do a WC wash over but never get around to it.
    My daughter brought part of her harvest to us and Im going to paint some of it…better get on it.

  4. What kind of pen are you using? I'm guessing felt tip. That tree looks a little scraggly, but the other two drawings are neat and shipshape.

  5. I use gel pens, usually a .5 or .7.
