Friday, August 5, 2022

Cezanne has inspired me to be looser

 Finished the Andersonville street scene. 

I decided to make the man in the foreground more interesting and forget about all the work in the background that I was not really interested in anyway  

Then I took a bad Yupo painting, washed the paint off leaving a faint image of the original, and painted a new version of it over the old one.


  1. Is that second version of the Andersonville man a new painting altogether? Or did you just tweak and crop the original? The second one looks like Yupo to me. Also really interesting is how the first one feels more like a landscape, while the second is less about the particular locale and more about the story between the guy and the people he's watching.

    1. It is an entirely new painting on Yupo. While I wasn’t entirely happy with the first version, I didn’t dislike it enough to destroy it.

  2. They’re both great. The first one is more about the patterns and shapes — it reminds me of Andrew Wyeth’s barn paintings. It’s like the super-precise, all mid tone painting style makes it almost an abstract painting. But I love the colors and the way the second one is painted - all that movement in the blue guy’s clothing and the bricks. Very Cezanne-y!. Same with the bridge painting. I guess you get your money’s worth from Yupo, given its reusable factor….!

  3. Definitely prefer the second, the lively tiles and those pants. I am not sure though if they are dirty or if they are fancy pants. And in the second it is clearer that he is regarding the people at a distance, sort of a Hopperesque story in there. Kind of like that odd shadow under the bench too.
